Quickly Set up a WordPress Site on an Ubuntu Server

Quickly Set up a WordPress Site on an Ubuntu Server

WordPress is the most popular CMS around. Like it or hate it but it does make things easier and developing for it is just as easy.

But, Deploying WordPress is a tedious task, just like deploying anything and everything else. You can do it the usual way by setting up the LAMP or LEMP stack and then following along or do it the smart way by using an Automation Script.

I'll walk you through, such two Automation Scripts, which are EasyEngine and WordOps.

EasyEngine is one of the most well-established WordPress scripts, which was created by rtCamp. The reason I have also mentioned WordOps is that not so long back EasyEngine switched to Docker, and not everyone likes to join the ship with their containerization journey.

Personally, for smaller sites I prefer WordOps or during times I host just one site on those 5$ VPSes but when moving to bigger projects or while hosting multiple websites, I prefer EasyEngine. Let's keep that discussion for a later period though.

The EasyEngine Way

The very first thing to do is install the bare essentials and the tool itself which is as easy as adding that one line below.

wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee4 && sudo bash ee

Once done, the very next step will be setting up the WordPress website with LetsEncrypt, yes it is that easy. For that simply add the following line.

ee site create yourdomain.com --type=wp --ssl=le

Now, for most folks that should be it, but there's a lot more to it, like adding Caching. Check out their Commands Documentation to know more.

The WordOps Way

WordOps is just as good as EasyEngine, originally forked from EasyEngine 3 which was the one without docker, WordOps has come a long way in terms of security and being up to date.

To get started, start with installing the dependencies and the tools itself.

wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo

Once installed, simply create a new website with WordOps, just as you would do with EasyEngine.

wo site create yourdomain.com --wp -le

And just like EasyEngine it comes with simpler ways to manage and update sites. Check out their Commands Documentation to know more.


There are options for setting up WordPress as well, here are the other two automation scripts which I also recommend, one being Webinoly and other is SlickStack.

Do let me know what are your favourite WordPress Scripts or do you just do everything yourself.